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100 percent customs duty on Chinese vehicles from the giant country!

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The Canadian government has announced that it will impose a 100 percent tariff on imported Chinese electric vehicles. The decision comes on the heels of a similar regulation by the United States, and the European Union is also known to be working on a similar tax plan against China.

Canada’s drastic move is part of a chain of measures being taken against China’s rapidly growing electric vehicle industry. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that not only electric vehicles but also steel and aluminum imported from China will be subject to a 25 percent tariff.

The US also aims to encourage domestic production and reduce external dependency in critical sectors by imposing a 100% tariff on electric vehicles imported from China. Canada’s decision also showed that it is following in the footsteps of the US and moving in the same direction.

Electric vehicle repair costs are 20 percent higher!

The cost of repairing an electric vehicle after a crash is 20% higher than that of an internal combustion vehicle, according to a new study.

closely monitored. These developments could put Chinese electric vehicle manufacturers in a difficult position. In particular, the rapid growth of China’s electric vehicle industry and its opening up to global markets could be seriously hindered by such tax regulations.

According to some automotive analysts, Chinese manufacturers may take strategic steps to counter this situation. For example, they may consider establishing production facilities in Mexico or Canada to gain access to the US and Canadian markets. For now, both the automotive sector and the business world are closely monitoring the long-term effects of these steps.

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