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47 Crypto Exchanges tied to ransomware gangs cracked in Germany

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German law enforcement authorities have seized 47 crypto exchanges linked to global ransomware groups. This decisive operation comes after months of meticulous investigation into illicit crypto trading platforms that cybercriminals use to launder millions in ransomware profits.

The Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) launched coordinated raids across the country, targeting these exchanges which served as hubs for transferring digital currencies obtained from ransomware attacks. The operation was the result of collaboration between German authorities, Europol, and cybersecurity experts. Law enforcement agencies believe that these platforms have facilitated the movement of over €200 million in ransomware payments over recent years.

Crypto Exchanges operated in the shadows of the dark web

Investigators have identified that the exchanges operated in the shadows of the dark web, offering anonymity and making it nearly impossible for victims and regulators to trace the flow of stolen funds. The Crypto Exchanges enabled ransomware operators to demand payments in Bitcoin, Monero, and other privacy-focused cryptocurrencies, which were then converted into cash.

Speaking at a press conference, a spokesperson for the BKA emphasized the importance of dismantling these financial infrastructures that allow ransomware gangs to thrive. “This operation is a clear message to cybercriminals. We will target their finances and disrupt their ability to profit from illegal activities.”

Trump announces his own cryptocurrency platform!

Trump announced his own cryptocurrency platform, The DeFiant Ones. It is unclear for now what the former President aims with this project.

While no arrests have been confirmed yet, authorities have revealed that this is just the first phase of a larger effort to curtail illegal cryptocurrency exchanges. Further investigations are ongoing, and additional action is expected in the coming weeks. The international scope of this operation also suggests that similar seizures could take place in other countries soon.

Cybersecurity experts have praised the operation, noting that these exchanges are crucial to the success of ransomware attacks. By removing these platforms, law enforcement hopes to not only recover stolen funds but also cripple ransomware operations worldwide.

This crackdown comes amid a surge in ransomware incidents, with critical infrastructure, healthcare systems, and businesses frequently targeted by sophisticated ransomware gangs. The global nature of these cyberattacks has made it difficult for law enforcement to pursue perpetrators, but this move by Germany signals a new phase in the fight against ransomware.

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