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A massive 270-pound mammoth tusk found in the US

Ana sayfa / Popular Science

In the United States, an amateur collector named Eddie Templeton had an extraordinary coincidence. Exploring the Mississippi wilderness, Templeton came across a remarkable object. In the middle of a rock on the bank of a stream, he found a surprisingly well-preserved mammoth tusk. Weighing 270 kilograms, its age has yet to be determined. However, tests revealed that it belonged to the Columbian mammoths.

Mammoth tusk from the Pleistocene period attracts attention

In an interview with a local newspaper, Eddie Templeton said, “When I found out it was a mammoth and not a mastodon, my joy knew no bounds. I’ve never been able to find parts of this animal, although I’ve always hoped, but it’s very rare in our area.”

Local geologists, who managed to excavate this remarkable fossil, reported that this is the first time such a fossil has been encountered in the Mississippi region. Weighing 270 kilograms, the mammoth tooth was about 2 meters long.

Geologists in the region said it is almost impossible to find mammoth fossils in this region. Mammoths were very selective eaters and lived only in a few large open grasslands, unlike their relatives, the American mastodons. The remains of American mastodons can be found in many places in the Mississippi region.

The Columbian mammoths, to which the interesting find in Mississippi belongs, are known to have lived in the Pleistocene period. These animals were no more than 4.5 meters tall and weighed about 10 tons. It is known that these mammoths became extinct due to melting glaciers and hunting by humans.

Yorum Ekleyin