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Trail Runner’s Life Saved by Apple Watch’s Fall Detection Feature

Ana sayfa / News

With the advancement of technology, wearable devices, health applications, and sensors are saving many lives. The Apple Watch, with its fall detection feature, saved the life of a trail runner in Norway. Here are the details…

Apple Watch saves a life with its fall detection feature

Investment director Robert Naess decided to go trail running when an accident caused his lung to collapse. Despite being an experienced runner and having run on the same route before, the 59-year-old Naess slipped and fell on a turn.

The impact caused Naess’ chest to hit a sharp corner, resulting in a collapsed lung and broken ribs. Experiencing severe pain and difficulty breathing, Naess was able to reach the emergency services within a short period of time thanks to his Apple Watch.

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Approximately 15 minutes later, the rescue team arrived at the scene and transported Naess to Haukeland Hospital. Speaking about the incident, Naess stated, “During the approximately 15-minute wait, over 100 vehicles passed by. Since I was on the lower side of the road, no one noticed me.”

Naess emphasized that the Apple Watch saved his life because he was unable to move and in a critical condition. In June, the fall detection feature of the Apple Watch also helped a man in Ontario, and a woman in Cincinnati survived a high-risk blood clot thanks to the device.

Yorum Ekleyin