Apple launched the Apple Watch Ultra 2 along with the new iPhone 15 series in recent months. The brand has also released the new watchOS 10 update along with its new smart watch series based on wearable technology. In addition to this update, microLED technology was also mentioned, but things are not going well. Here is the microLED Apple Watch Ultra and its details…Bad news from the company for microLED Apple Watch Ultra! PostponedWe previously told you that Apple plans to launch the microLED Apple Watch Ultra as soon as 2026. With this new LED technology, there are more LEDs on smaller screens, thus greatly improving screen resolutions.
So why? The first answer to this question is “supply” problems. But things are a little more about costs. Because the OLED panel currently used in the Apple Watch Ultra 2 model is 1.93 inches in size and costs around $ 38.
However, when we switch to microLED technology, screen sizes need to increase slightly. When we add to this the fact that the new technology is more expensive, we see that the 2.12-inch microLED panel costs $150.
Adding 4x the cost to an already expensive ($799) smartwatch does 2 things. The first way is to increase the price of the watch, which means loss of customers, and the second way is to accept the cost. Of course, when you accept the cost, you will also accept that the profit margin will decrease.
For this reason, Apple postponed the release of the watch. Different statements will be made regarding the issue in the coming days. It is not yet known whether Apple Watch Ultra 3 will be released.
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