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All we know about Apple’s foldable iPhone!

Ana sayfa / Smartphones

Apple has been working on a foldable iPhone for a long time . Unfortunately, it is a big mystery when the brand will enter the foldable phone market. Of course, although the reports shared by sources close to the brand provide us with some information on this issue, there are still big question marks. So when will the foldable iPhone be introduced?

The common point of the leaks that have emerged so far about the foldable iPhone model is that it will be showcased in 2026. Many of the sources even said that they had this information confirmed by a senior Apple official. However, the model will not be released on this date either. Because the latest reports reveal that the foldable iPhone has been postponed again.

According to reports from sources close to the company, the foldable iPhone was postponed from the fourth quarter of 2026 to the first quarter of 2027 . If this postponement decision turns out to be correct, the phone will be showcased on similar dates with the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 9.

Another piece of information about the device is about the folding mark that today’s foldable phones suffer from. Allegedly, the smartphone will appear with a screen that shows the trace in question much less than the products on the market. Moreover, it is said that the product will be lighter compared to its competitors.

According to some industry sources, Apple may shelve the Galaxy Z Flip-like concept due to durability concerns and continue with a product similar to the Galaxy Z Fold. In this case, we may encounter a product that can be an iPad when opened and an iPhone when folded.

The development team of  Vision Pro, Apple’s most talked about product of late,   has started to support foldable iPhone work. In fact, it is said that the brand   made such a decision because it does not plan to make an addition to Vision Pro for at least 1.5 years.

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