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Big blow to Google: Is Xiaomi developing its own operating system?

Ana sayfa / Smartphones

Xiaomi is a company known for its wide range of products and user-friendly pricing policies. While the company currently uses the Android-based MIUI interface for its smartphones, recent developments suggest that this might change in the future. If this happens, Xiaomi’s partnership with Google for Android could come to an end. Here are the first details about Xiaomi MiOS:

Is Xiaomi developing a new operating system called MiOS?

Ice Universe, a well-known leaker in the industry, revealed that Xiaomi recently registered the domain “” with an image shared on social media. Although there aren’t clear details available at the moment, this action has sparked rumors that the Chinese manufacturer might be developing an operating system called MiOS.

As we know, the most recent company to develop its own operating system was Huawei. Due to US sanctions, Huawei introduced HarmonyOS in the past years with the aim of reducing external dependencies. However, Xiaomi doesn’t currently seem to face any sanctions similar to Huawei’s. Xiaomi fully utilizes Google applications and services. Therefore, if MiOS is released, it wouldn’t be a necessity but rather a matter of choice.

It’s rumored that Xiaomi’s operating system might be limited to the Chinese market. The fact that Xiaomi has previously withheld some smartphone models exclusively for the Chinese market without releasing them in Europe further strengthens this possibility. Consequently, if such a scenario occurs, Xiaomi users in Europe would continue using the Android-based MIUI interface. Another claim is that Xiaomi might cut ties with Google and take full control over its direction. It’s important to note that these are all speculations and rumors.

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