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China Wants to Build Advanced Humanoid Robots by 2025!

Ana sayfa / Technology

In the artificial intelligence race, countries as well as companies are lining up to make a name for themselves. For years, China has had ambitions of leading in cutting-edge fields, from artificial intelligence to quantum computing. Now he has set his sights on another field with science fiction qualities. China plans to produce lifelike advanced humanoid robots by 2025. Here are the details…

China has rolled up its sleeves to make advanced humanoid robots!

The country aims to produce its first humanoid robots by 2025, according to the plan prepared by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technologies. The government will cultivate more young companies focusing on the field. It will set industry standards. It will develop talents and deepen international cooperation in this regard.

Shares of Chinese robotics companies rose following the policy guidance that added a new dimension to the technological race in the field of chips and hardware between the world’s two largest economies. Tesla Inc. and US companies like Boston Dynamics have an advantage in technology so far. However, Chinese companies are carrying out important efforts to turn this situation to their advantage.

The Ministry gave the good news that China, the world’s number one electronics manufacturer, will make major breakthroughs in the next two years. He said that he aims to make breakthroughs in environmental perception, motion control and machine-human interaction capabilities. The government is encouraging the use of artificial intelligence in robotics. It also calls for more research into the development of dexterous robot hands, arms and feet.

China wants humanoid robots to think, learn and innovate by 2027. It plans to establish a reliable industry supply chain system to support the production of this technology.

The companies envision humanoid robots increasingly performing tasks currently performed by humans, from collecting food to working in hazardous environments. He continues his work on this issue rapidly. Some US companies have taken the lead in this field after Tesla developed the “Optimus” humanoid robot and Boston Dynamics’ Atlas made comebacks. However, China took action to change the balance.

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