India’s technology regulator CERT-In has issued a warning about serious security vulnerabilities affecting popular Apple products such as iPhone, iPad, Mac and Apple Watch. These vulnerabilities affect a wide range of Apple software, including iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS, Safari, Xcode and visionOS.
Vulnerabilities detected in Apple products after iPhone 16
Researchers in India warn that these vulnerabilities could allow malicious actors to access users’ devices, access personal data and even gain control over them.
Especially devices using older software versions are at risk. In CERT-In’s statement, it was stated that attackers can use vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access to the device, steal personal data (photos, messages, location information, etc.), and install malware.
According to the statement in India, iOS 18 users were not affected by these vulnerabilities. However, it should be noted that it jeopardizes iOS/iPadOS 17.7 and earlier software.
According to CERT-In’s statement, the versions affected by the vulnerabilities are as follows:
- iOS and iPadOS versions prior to 17.7
- macOS Sonoma versions before 14.7
- macOS Ventura versions before 13.7
- Versions before tvOS 18
- Versions before watchOS 11
- versions before visionOS 2.0
Apple has released software updates to address the security vulnerabilities identified. In this context, it is critical that users update their devices to the latest versions. Security vulnerabilities once again emphasize the importance of cyber security in today’s digital world.
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