Known for its story-driven games, the Life is Strange series is going through tough times with its latest installment, Double Exposure. Falling short of expectations, the disappointing sales have put the future of the series in jeopardy. In response, Square Enix is seeking feedback from players to address the issues. Here are the details:
Life is Strange Developer Turns to Fans for Feedback
Released in October 2024, Life is Strange: Double Exposure took a nostalgic approach by bringing back familiar characters like Max. However, despite the return of these beloved characters, many fans were disappointed with the game’s story and gameplay. Criticisms largely centered on technical issues and inadequate game mechanics.
In December 2024, the struggles became even more apparent when the developer, Deck Nine Studios, announced layoffs. Following this, Square Enix began reaching out to fans through an email survey to gather feedback. The 15-minute survey includes detailed questions about the game’s story, gameplay mechanics, and overall experience.
The poor sales of the game have become not just a commercial problem but a significant issue for the development team as well. Square Enix hopes to use player feedback to revitalize the series and deliver a stronger entry in the future. However, the outcome of this effort will depend on how much fans are willing to share their thoughts and how seriously the company takes their input.
What do you think about the future of the Life is Strange series? Share your thoughts in the comments!
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