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Entering the Fast and Furious world with ChatGPT!

Ana sayfa / Cars

Thanks to ChatGPT, you can own one of the cars used in the “Fast and Furious” movie. Wondering how? It’s straightforward. Just ask ChatGPT what you need, and it will provide you with all the necessary instructions! You can ask a question like, “Hey ChatGPT, how can I increase my car’s horsepower to 300 HP?” and get all the instructions from the AI. That’s how you modify cars and get into the details with ChatGPT.

Creating a real racing car with ChatGPT is possible!

If you lack knowledge or experience, preparing and modifying a racing car might seem daunting. However, with ChatGPT, it’s not a big problem. If you know what kind of car you want to create, ChatGPT can make it possible. Decide whether you want a more powerful engine or a better appearance, and ChatGPT will guide you.

Let’s share an experiment we did. We decided to modify a small car with a 1.2-liter engine, which we usually use for daily city driving. Throughout the process, we solely relied on ChatGPT. We stated our goal: to achieve 300 HP without using any turbocharging or supercharging.

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After providing the necessary instructions to ChatGPT, we waited for its response. The AI first mentioned that reaching such power without using turbocharging or supercharging would be quite challenging but not impossible. It also highlighted that without improving other factors like brakes and chassis, there could be safety vulnerabilities. In summary, we can say that ChatGPT refused to take responsibility for the modifications.

Later on, ChatGPT theoretically prepared a list to increase the engine’s power. One of the initial steps involved mentioning additional modifications (brakes, suspension, and body reinforcement) required to ensure the car remains safe to drive. In other words, all steps were thoroughly and professionally outlined. The AI proceeded to address all vulnerabilities in the car.

After receiving all the necessary instructions, we consulted with an expert mechanic. He liked the instructions written by ChatGPT and mentioned that if all the steps were followed as written, the car would achieve the desired performance “safely.” Of course, he also pointed out that we would need a good amount of money to accomplish the modifications.

So, what do you think about modifying cars with ChatGPT? Share your opinions in the comments section!

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