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For a cheaper Vision Pro, you’ll need an expensive iPhone

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Apple is preparing to launch a more affordable version of the Vision Pro. However, according to rumors and analyses, the cheaper Vision Pro will not work independently but will rely on an iPhone. Here are the details…

The current model of Vision Pro is quite expensive and has not yet garnered the expected interest. To change this, Apple is working on a cheaper Vision Pro model, expected to be priced between $1,500 and $2,000. However, to reduce costs, some features will be sacrificed.

One of the key features of the affordable Vision Pro is that it will not work independently. It is said that Apple has designed this model to work connected to an iPhone to cut costs. This way, the processing power and some components of the Vision Pro will be provided by the iPhone. This helps Apple reduce production costs but will require users to have both a Vision Pro and likely a latest model expensive iPhone.

Apple’s Vision Pro 2 dreams dashed!

Apple Vision Pro 2 will be much cheaper. The company is said to have changed its goals and prioritized pricing.

The more affordable Vision Pro model will have some differences from the current model. This model may remove the EyeSight display, and the features of the internal screens could be downgraded. Additionally, the quality of augmented reality images might be reduced. Apple is currently carefully evaluating how these changes will affect the user experience. The affordable Vision Pro model is planned to be released in 2026 and is expected to feature a faster processor and advanced cameras.

Apple aims to reach a larger audience by making the cheaper Vision Pro dependent on an iPhone. However, only time will tell if this strategy will be successful. What do you think? Would the new version of the Vision Pro interest you? Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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