Samsung has been a leader in smartwatch design with its round-shaped designs in the smartwatch market from day one, while Apple has been using a rectangular design. Although Samsung experimented with a rectangular design for the Galaxy Watch with the Gear series in 2013, it did not achieve the desired success at that time. However, it seems that Samsung is now revisiting this old form after years.
Will Samsung Galaxy Watch adopt a rectangular design like the Apple Watch?
According to leaked information from within the company, Samsung is very excited about this prospect. There is a possibility that the new smartwatch could be introduced as the Galaxy Watch 7.
This means that there may not be an alternative rectangular design alongside the round-shaped Galaxy Watch, as was the case in 2013. However, there have been no leaks about the model yet.
Samsung has been one of the leading companies alongside Apple in the smartwatch concept. Initially, sales of the Apple Watch and Galaxy Watch were quite similar. However, the increasing capabilities of the Apple Watch over time and its advantage of being best suited to the Apple ecosystem also influenced Galaxy Watch sales.
Of course, the Apple Watch is not the only factor affecting Galaxy Watch sales. However, the rectangular form of the Apple Watch has remained unique compared to the round shape used by Galaxy Watch and other smartwatches for a long time. About ten years ago, Samsung attempted to enter the rectangular smartwatch market with the Galaxy Gear model.
The Galaxy Gear introduced by Samsung in 2013 stood out with its minimalist design. Both the interface and design language of the smartwatch were different from Samsung’s rounded design language used at that time.
However, Samsung dealt the final blow to this design with the rectangular Galaxy Gear S model. This new design, which appeared quite rough at the time, had a design similar to the Galaxy S6. After this model, which did not receive much attention, Samsung returned to the rounded design with the Galaxy Gear S2 model.
Do you think Samsung will use a rectangular design in the Galaxy Watch 7 model? Do you think it’s important whether the smartwatch is rectangular or round when buying a smartwatch? We look forward to your comments.
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