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Games worth 17 billion euros are gathering dust on Steam!

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Every year, players purchase thousands of games during sales or promotions and add them to their library with the intention of playing them “one day.” But that day never comes. This is evidenced by the “Pile of Shame” on the Steam store, where the total value of unplayed games has exceeded 17 billion euros.

For those wondering what “Pile of Shame” means, it refers to the digital library of games that players enthusiastically buy during sales or promotions but never find the time to play. These games gather dust on digital shelves, waiting to be played “someday.”

The “Pile of Shame” on Steam has now surpassed a total value of 17 billion euros worldwide. This figure exceeds the annual GDP of some countries, highlighting the immense size and impact of the gaming industry.

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Why do we buy so many games but never play them? The simple answer is: sales. During major Steam sales, games are offered at incredible prices. Gamers don’t want to miss these opportunities and think, “This game is a steal at this price!” However, finding the time to play these games is not always possible, especially with large and detailed games that require significant time and attention.

This news might be a chance to reassess our game-buying habits. Instead of waiting for the next big sale, it might make more sense to focus on games you will actually play and try to finish the ones in your existing library.

The “Pile of Shame” on Steam, with games worth over 17 billion euros, stands as a treasure in gamers’ libraries. Do you have games in your library that you have never played? Do you plan to play them? Don’t forget to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

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