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The most searched words on Google have been revealed!

The most searched words on Google have been revealed!
Ana sayfa / News

Google, the world’s largest search engine, has been sharing the most searched terms in global and worldwide in daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly formats for quite some time. This allows us to get an idea of what is on the minds of millions of people. So, what were the most searched terms on Google between May 28th and June 4th?

Turkish football clubs Galatasaray and Fenerbahçe made it to the list of the most searched terms on Google!

According to the data shared by Google, the most searched term globally was “CSK vs GT final.” The cricket match between these two teams, which took place on May 29th, was closely followed by millions of people.

Google most searched

As we move further down the list, we see that the terms “Galatasaray” and “Fenerbahçe” were highly searched. It seems that these two teams have a significant fan base not only in Turkey but also worldwide.

Here are the most searched terms on Google between May 28th and June 4th:

Looking at the list, we can say that football and cricket matches are closely followed worldwide.

What are your thoughts on this matter? Feel free to share your opinions in the Comments section below.

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