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Google Photos Adds a Feature to Make You Say ‘How Was This Not Available?!’

Ana sayfa / News

Google Photos, used by both Android and iOS users for photo archiving, editing, and storage, has finally introduced a feature in 2024 that many have wondered why it took so long to arrive. The new ‘Flip’ feature allows users to mirror their photos.

Google Photos has long been a powerful platform for photo backup and editing. However, despite its robust editing tools, users were unable to perform a simple image flip. Thankfully, this has now changed, and users can easily flip their images.

Previously, Google Photos offered options like cropping, rotating, and adjusting aspect ratios, but flipping images was not among these basic operations. This new feature is particularly useful for those who forget to enable mirroring in their camera settings, eliminating the need to use a different app.

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Unfortunately, this new ‘Flip’ feature is currently only available on the mobile app and not yet on the web version. Additionally, even if you receive the update, you may not have immediate access to the feature, as it is being rolled out gradually through a server-side update.

The app has recently introduced several AI-powered innovations, such as Magic Eraser, Photo Unblur, and Portrait Light. While these tools are impressive, users still express a desire for basic features like bulk editing and targeted area adjustments.

What are your thoughts on this update? Do you think it was necessary? Feel free to share your opinions in the comments!

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