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More than 3 million malware app on Google Play! Here are the infected app

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infected android applications, google play infected application, 3 million infected applications,
In Kaspersky’s newly published malware report, Google Play is filled with infected applications. In this sense, according to initial findings, Google Play is filled with more than 3 million infected Android applications. The worst part is that these applications have been downloaded more than 600 million times.

Although Android has always had many more applications than iOS, it is also known that there are infected applications among these applications. However, the number of Android infected applications was unknown until now. In this sense, according to the report published by Kaspersky, it was revealed that more than 3 million applications contain viruses.

Again, the fact that these applications have been downloaded more than 600 million times shows that each application has been downloaded at least 200 times. Some examples of infected Android applications given in the resulting report show how dire the situation is.

The most striking example, which is also reflected in the Kaspersky report, is the iRecorder application. The application first appeared on Google Play in September 2021. The app had a download rate of over 50 thousand until it was discovered to contain malware in May 2023.

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Exactly 11 months after the application was listed on Google Play, Trojan AhMyth added malicious code to the application. Accordingly, the application automatically recorded every 15 minutes, even if it was not open. This is how infected malware applications generally pass Google Play inspections. The application, which seems harmless at first, later becomes harmful with an update.

The malware that attracted the most attention in the Kaspersky report is called SpinOk. This malware found its place in mini games. In this sense, users downloaded the SpinOk software 451 million times through 200 infected Android applications.

Another dangerous option appeared in games like Minecraft. According to the Kaspersky report, users downloaded these applications 35 million times. These applications include a virus called HiddenAds.

Google has not been able to take any action against infected Android applications for years. In this sense, reading the comments on every application and game you download provides important protection. Especially the comments that give the application one or two stars give us clues about the purpose of the application. Here, tips such as the phone overheating and consuming too much battery strengthen the possibility that the application contains a virus. If the application you download does not require graphical performance, it is not a good sign that it makes your phone very hot and consumes a lot of battery.

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