Renowned game developer Rockstar Games released the 5th installment of the Grand Theft Auto series in 2023. Since its launch, the game has sold millions of copies and featured significant innovations compared to its predecessor. According to recent information, GTA 6 is set to offer players attention-grabbing novelties.
Hair and beard growth system will be present in GTA 6!
As the budget allocated to the gaming industry has increased, games have started to become as realistic as our everyday lives. Red Dead Redemption 2, released by Rockstar Games in 2018, serves as one of the prime examples of this trend.
Aside from its compelling narrative, Red Dead Redemption 2 also stood out as one of the most realistic games, featuring a feature that players greatly enjoyed: the automatic hair and beard growth system that evolved over time.
According to a source that provides content related to Grand Theft Auto, Rockstar Games is planning to incorporate this automatic hair and beard growth system from Red Dead Redemption 2 into GTA 6 as well. However, it’s worth noting that this information should be taken as a leak.
Naturally, this leads to the question: How much will the hair and beard grow if the player doesn’t visit a barber? To be honest, the answer to this question remains unknown for now. Yet, considering Red Dead Redemption 2, there will likely be a limit for this.
When will GTA 6 be released?
According to previously surfaced information, the map in GTA 6 will be almost twice the size of GTA 5’s map, providing players with more exploration possibilities. Furthermore, the game will feature two main characters, one female and one male.
There isn’t a definite release date for the game. However, based on recently leaked details, it is estimated that GTA 6 has been in development for a decade and is expected to be released in 2024.
So, what are your thoughts on this matter? Feel free to share your opinions with us in the Comments section below.
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