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How to cancel your Spotify subscription

Ana sayfa / How To

Spotify is one of the most popular music streaming platforms. Although there are a lot of alternatives to Spotify, the platform is preferred due to its large library, and its opportunities like podcasts, and more. While the music streaming platform offers a free subscription, it also offers a premium subscription. However, it is more difficult to cancel a Spotify subscription than create a subscription, like every other subscription-based service. If you’re trying to cancel your Spotify subscription, here is how to cancel a Spotify Premium.

Cancel Spotify subscription

If you like listening to music or podcasts, you may have already subscribed to Spotify. Since the platform gives a lot of opportunities and an easy interface, people usually prefer Spotify to other streaming platforms. Spotify offers a few Premium plans such as Family plan, Duo plan, and Single. However, you may want to cancel your subscription because of the increasing prices, or something else. If you don’t know how to cancel your subscription. Let’s check how to cancel Spotify.

How to cancel Spotify Premium

If you have already purchased the Spotify Premium subscription, you can cancel your subscription by following these steps:

  1. Log in to Spotify’s website and head to your Account settings.
  2. In the account overview section, scroll down until you find the ‘Your Plan’ section.
  3. Select ‘Change Plan
  4. Scroll down and tap on the ‘Cancel Premium’ button and confirm your canceling subscription.

When you cancel your Spotify Premium subscription, you can still use Spotify’s opportunities until the last day of your billing cycle. You can use these steps to cancel the subscription on your phone’s web browser.

Cancel Spotify via Third Party Services

You must have seen some campaigns about Spotify Premium by other companies like AT&T and Verizon. They offer free Spotify Premium access for a limited time for their user. When you subscribed to the music platform via these companies, you can use the paid subscription for free, and access all the features on Spotify. If you subscribed to the music platform through a third-party service like them, you can cancel your subscription from that particular service by following these steps:

  1. Log in to your carrier’s website or the third-party app you signed up from.
  2. Look for an add-on or streaming services’ menu (might be different for each app).
  3. Find the Spotify entry, and proceed to cancel the subscription.
  4. Consult your carrier’s customer service if you encounter problems.

Spotify also explains this situation on its support page,

No option to change plan?
This means your plan is associated with a partner company (e.g. your mobile or internet provider). To cancel, find their contact link on your account page under Payment.

If you pay through iTunes, see Apple’s steps to cancel.”

How to delete your Spotify account

If you would like to delete your Spotify account permanently, there is a way to do it. However, you shouldn’t forget that your all data including playlists, friends, and more will be permanently deleted. You can delete your account regardless of free or premium. You need to get in touch with the customer support page and wait for them to assist you with the issue.

  1. Log in to your Spotify account from the browser and go to the Spotify support page.
  2. Select Close your account under the Don’t have Premium? section.
  3. Tap Send message.
  4. Request for account deletion through customer service.
  5. Wait for a response and follow the instructions.

Leave a Premium plan

If you have a Premium subscription like Family, Duo, or single, you can change or leave these plans. Here are the steps you can follow:

  1. Log in to your account page, and go to Account settings.
  2. Under Your plan, click Change plan
  3. Select Cancel Premium under Spotify Free.

Once you leave the Premium, your account will turn to the Free plan. Then, you can choose one of the plans, or you can stay on the Free plan.

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