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How to Create Dynamic Wallpapers for macOS

Ana sayfa / News

Since the release of macOS Mojave, we’ve had the ability to use dynamic wallpapers, captivating backdrops that change with the passing hours, mirroring the natural shift from day to night. While Apple offers a fantastic selection of these dynamic wallpapers, what if you want to create your own?

Fear not, tech-savvy folks! This guide will walk you through the process, empowering you to design dynamic wallpapers that reflect your unique style and preferences.

Step 1: Choosing Your Tools

The magic of creating dynamic wallpapers lies in using third-party applications. We recommend two excellent options:

Equinox: This free Mac App Store app gives you control over how your dynamic wallpapers transition based on sunrise/sunset, specific times, or light/dark mode.

Dynaper: Another fantastic choice, Dynaper is available on the Mac App Store and offers a similar level of customization.

Step 2: Gathering Your Images

You’ll need at least two images to build your dynamic wallpaper. They can depict the same scene at different times, or they can be completely different visuals that complement each other. The choice is yours!

Step 3: Creating Your dynamic wallpapers for macOS with Equinox

Download and Launch Equinox: Get Equinox for free from the Mac App Store and fire it up.

Select Your Transition Mode: Decide how you want your dynamic wallpaper to change:

Solar: Images shift with sunrise and sunset times in your region.

Time: Images transition based on specific timings you define.

Appearance: Images switch based on macOS’s light or dark mode.

Add Your Images: Drag and drop your images into the Equinox window or use the “Browse” option to select them. For Appearance mode, you’ll only need two images, but the other modes allow you to use multiple images.

Reorder Images (Optional): You can change the order of your images by dragging and dropping them within the Equinox interface.

Step 4: Enjoy Your New Dynamic Wallpaper!

Once you’ve completed the steps above, your dynamic wallpaper will automatically start changing based on your chosen settings. Enjoy the dynamic beauty you’ve created!

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