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How to unlock every movies and shows on Netflix

Ana sayfa / Streaming Platforms

As we all know, Netflix is one of the best and most popular global streaming platforms. However, people, who do not live in the U.S, cannot watch all U.S Netflix movies and shows due to obstacles.

How to unlock extra Netflix content?

We can watch Netflix in almost every country with an Internet network, but the content of the movies, shows, or series can change depending on where you watch. Despite people coming against this protocol, since agreements between countries and Netflix exist, this obstacle will not change until the new deal.

There are few ways to watch all contexts of U.S Netflix from other countries. Either you must change your location and go to another country to watch it, or you need to change your current location thanks to VPN applications. Since we cannot go to another country for more movies, we will show the VPNs you can use in this article.

How to watch U.S Netflix via VPN?

Even though most VPN apps will help you watch the U.S or any other Netflix, you have to be careful about using this tool because they will not be completely reliable and without problems. Here are VPN applications to watch U.S Netflix from the U.K and other countries.


NordVPN is one of the best choices for this job. In the U.K., VPN provides users dozens of protection features and works with many streaming platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, and more.

NordVPN has some features that are better than other VPN apps. For example;

Hotspot Shield

Hotspot Shield is another fast and popular VPN application. It can be downloaded for Windows, macOS, iOS, Linux, and Android. Therefore, you can use it wherever you are to watch U.S Netflix.

Hotspot Shield also provides convenience to its user’s thanks to some features. Here are the features of Hotspot Shield.


CyberGhost is another popular VPN app for people who want to watch U.S Netflix because it has a vast network of servers, about 1000 in the U.S. This number of servers grows the usage of the CyberGhost VPN by attracting the attention of users.

CyberGhost is also a good rival for other VPN applications with its features. For instance;

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