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This was missing! A huge solar storm hit the Earth!

Ana sayfa / Popular Science

Scientists warned. A massive solar storm will hit the Earth today, with the danger of radio and internet outages. Additionally, the storm will extend towards mid-latitudes on Friday. For this reason, spectacular polar lights can be seen in mid-latitudes. Here are the details…

Numerous explosions occurring on the Sun this week will deeply affect the Earth. Four plasma explosions occurred from the sun’s corona towards the Earth. Scientists call these explosions coronal mass ejections, or CMEs.

A solar storm hit many parts of the world on Friday. These explosions triggered a powerful geomagnetic storm and aurora seen across the northern United States and Europe. Scientists expect this to develop into a super-sized CME.

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No matter how far away the Sun, which warms our planet and is our source of life, is, solar flares affect the Earth. Experts warned about a giant solar storm that will occur on Friday. Radio, internet and GPS fluctuations may occur in some parts of the world.

Space weather physicist Tamitha Skov expressed her views on the subject. He explained that a solar storm or coronal mass ejection (CME) could interfere with the Earth’s magnetic field. It can also affect various forms of communication, she noted. Even more interesting, he added, it could trigger vivid auroras.

The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and other forecasters had predicted three solar storms were heading towards Earth. He was also able to predict that some of them would probably combine to create stronger magnetic field disruptions.

“With the previous two storms on the way, this means we have a 1,2,3 pulse. Strong G3 level magnetic storms will be circulating on Earth,” Dr Skov said earlier.

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