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Humanoid Robot with a Beating Heart! It Knows 61 Languages

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A Humanoid Robot with a Beating Heart: Anushka

The world of technology continues to surprise us daily. This time, a group of students and professors from the Krishna Institute of Engineering and Technology (KIET) in India has pushed the boundaries with their latest creation. The team developed a low-cost humanoid robot named “Anushka,” primarily assembled from scrap materials. But what truly sets Anushka apart from other robots is something extraordinary: It has a beating heart!

Anushka’s development is a remarkable example of what can be achieved when technology meets human creativity. This robot, mostly made from scrap parts, was created at an incredible cost of just $2,400. Compared to other humanoid robots on the market, this is astonishingly low. However, the low cost doesn’t detract from Anushka’s capabilities.

Anushka’s facial design was inspired by a historical French princess and developed using generative AI. The face, made with 3D printing technology and covered in flexible silicone, provides a highly realistic appearance. Remarkably, a functional artificial heart with a silicone coating has also been added.

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Anushka’s movements are powered by microcontrollers and servo motors controlled by an Intel i7 processor, enabling the robot to perform actions like turning its head, moving its hands, and even blinking.

Anushka is more than just an ordinary humanoid robot. Thanks to AI-powered natural language processing (NLP) technology, it can understand and speak 61 different languages. The robot doesn’t just comprehend words but also converts them into digital signals to generate responses. These responses are pulled from a vast OpenAI database, ensuring they are comprehensive and accurate.

Anushka’s abilities don’t stop there. Equipped with facial recognition and computer vision technology, the robot can recognize people, analyze facial expressions, and respond accordingly. Anushka can express emotions through over 50 hand gestures and more than 30 eye movements.

Currently, Anushka is being used for tasks like greeting visitors and answering questions. However, the robot’s potential extends far beyond these roles. The development team plans to use Anushka in fields like healthcare and consulting.

Do you think humanoid robots like Anushka will become a significant part of our lives in the future? How could the widespread adoption of low-cost robots like this revolutionize various industries? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Yorum Ekleyin