The update has just dropped for Icarus; fans can get an idea about the latest version. The game’s latest version is a major one and focuses on a ton of stuff. If you’re looking for a solid gameplay experience for Icarus, we highly recommend installing the update. But before that, let’s deep dive into the Icarus update patch notes.
Icarus Update Patch Notes

New Content
- Reduced weight of MXC Cot slightly
- Increased price of MXC Cot, and unlocked item
- Unlocking Workshop Bed
- Fixed sort in device inventory showing on top of device name
- Updated many more decorations to have coziness bonus
- Fixed seed switch statement providing wrong seed data.
- Fixed UI Jumping when seed cultivation stage changed
- Rewrote most of the UMG logic (umg used to just take the time it takes for stage 4 instead of the time from all cultivation stages/also it was incorrectly calculating the current time the seed has been growing)
- Update waterskin description and flavor text to reflect that it no longer leaks
- Added coziness bonus to wall torch
- Update player stat display to show better when using long stat names (localization)
- Added translatable text entries for chat messages for player connect and disconnect, and mount deaths
- Added translatable strings for quest rewards, crop plot title, network info and in-world building durability
- Allow wood halfpieces and beams to be crafted at carpentry bench
- Prevented playing swing animation when not upgrading building piece
- Added warning when attempting to upgrade the same type of material or missing upgrade piece
- Moved duplicate logic into shared native function library and removed unnecessary memory allocation
Future Content
- Turret balance pass: Recipes, angles, fire rates, talents, descriptions, brownout modifier
- Adding lots more reaver attack movement sounds. Adding footsteps and other movements
- Adding reaver dive ground impact audio and event and timing – also emerge fast event. Adding dog bowl data table entry to deploy audio sound
- Added a fillable to the cart. Cart BP now removes x amount of water from the fillable whenever it interacts with an unwatered dirt mound
- Setting up new food / animal feed / wool recipes / Laika items itemable and icons
- Setup dialogue for Ashlands and Icesheet missions
- RELOCATED: Setup dialogue
- Updated texture for CHAC_Hunting Rifle Ammo
- Added new GUN_HuntingRifle_CHAC_Repeater version
- Fixed minor typos in quest steps and upcoming Laika content
- Added destructible mesh for the animal bench
- Added Animal bench art assets to the project
- Preparing Labrador & German Shepherd Animal Companions
- Adding Dogs / Cats / Horses Bestiary enteries and setting up AI rows for correct loot, names, rewards etc
- Adding new Dogs / Cats / Horses to the workshop
- Adding new animal companion colour stat variation
- More reaver additions and adjustments
- Adding in additional cat colors and hooked up to AI setup DTs, still waiting on corpse items to be able to setup the dead item data table entry, bones and carcass etc, added in additional animations for IC-25490 as well
- Added art assets for the horse trophy and alternative materials for the different coloured horses
- Added Cat trophy art assets to the project with alternative materials for the different coloured cats
- Adding reaver roar audio event, data table setup and animation notify
- Added PNGs for the beastiary images to the Icarus source art folder
- Adding reaver attack vocalisations, events and animation notifiers
- Added sheep trophy art assets to the project
- Added text for hitching post and rope
- Added missing string table entry. Cleaned up blueprints for pet bowls
- Adding more cat idle layers and adjusting time until cat purrs when player is close by
- More updates and layers for the mini hippo. Attack, adjusted idle sounds, spot etc
- Added text for snare trap
- Added text for T3 biomass cleaning device
- Fixed a few descriptions for laika food items
- Updated DEP_Trap_Snare animations
- Added bestiary images for the sheep, cat, and horse and added images to data table with the MED and LRG workshop background images
- Added Wool recipes
- Fixed typos in new Laika items
- Updated DEP_Trap_Snare
- Added new Animal Feed items, modifiers and recipes
- Adding Itemable descriptions for various Laika Items
- Setting up Cat Corpse and new pet interactable option so you don’t need to skin cats / dogs
- Added UI for changing pet bowl colours. Reparented bowls to a new pet_bowl_base
- Added egg and chicken recipes
- Adding animal bench crafted audio and adding dog bowl deploy audio and animal crafted recipes to correct crafted audio
- Added seup for MED and LRG creature bestiary screenshots with the HAB background
- Added bestiary ttext for the Kiwi
- Adding cat idle, death and purr audio and events and data table setup
- Added bestiary ttext for the Horse
- Updated exotic ground deposits with colour emissive colour and lighting adjusted to match the exotic item asset
- Added DLC Package Flags for Animal Companions, Zebra Rescue and Creature Comforts
- Adding reaver flinch audio, event and data table setup
- RE: Hadley – Stops hanging setup of engine files. We don’t need to install prereqs because we have already done it. This step requires user input and hangs the build process
- Setting up Cat / Sheep / Horse Trophies and added missing icons for various items in the itemable table
- Added kiwi trophy and bestiary image and updated bestiary data table
- Adding reaver death audio, event and data table entry
- Adding hitch rope to wood sound and event
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