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Intel is making a powerful new graphics card! But not for your computer

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Intel is taking a new step that will revolutionize the world of technology and this time its target is not computers, but vehicles. The new graphics card Intel is working on, the Arc A760A, is being developed for use in luxury cars. The graphics card is designed to improve passenger experiences and artificial intelligence applications in cars. This new move by Intel could herald a whole new era in in-car technologies. So, what innovations does Intel aim to offer with the graphics card?

Intel is developing its new graphics card Arc A760A for vehicles, which is expected to be used in luxury cars by 2025. The aim of this graphics card is to run artificial intelligence tools on the dashboards of vehicles and provide passengers with a personalized experience.

Intel aims to take in-car entertainment systems to a new dimension by developing this powerful graphics card that can even run “high-demand AAA games” inside the vehicle. The Intel graphics card will be powerful enough to allow the dashboard display to work and AI models to be active while backseat passengers play games.

Intel’s Arc A760A graphics card is similar to the Arc A750 GPU used in desktop computers. This new card will have 28 Xe cores and consume up to 225W of power. However, unlike the desktop version, the Arc A760A will have a memory capacity of 16 GB. This will ensure high performance in in-car infotainment systems. Moreover, Intel’s confidence in this area is great, as the company has announced that it has developed more than 500 features and artificial intelligence applications for vehicles.

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Intel’s new technology also brings the idea of video card upgrades in vehicles. In the future, it remains to be seen whether we’ll be going to tech stores or repair shops for video card upgrades for vehicles. This could be the beginning of a new era in vehicle technologies. Intel’s new graphics card for vehicles could revolutionize the automobile world. In-car entertainment and artificial intelligence applications will be even more advanced thanks to this powerful graphics card. What do you think? Please don’t forget to share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.

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