Apple introduced the iPhone 15 series last year. Although the new smartphones were praised for their price and features, they were also criticized for not offering a serious innovation in terms of design compared to the previous series. However, according to recent developments, Apple seems to have taken these criticisms into account. This was demonstrated by the emerging iPhone 16 design.
iPhone 16 CAD images
CAD images have been leaked for the iPhone 16, the standard model of the series. For those who don’t know, CAD, or Computer Aided Design, is a software used to create three-dimensional graphics and designs. Thanks to this program, detailed and precise designs can be created. The resulting iPhone 16 CAD file was prepared to be sent to accessory manufacturers such as case manufacturers.
When we look at the CAD images of the iPhone 16, we see that the smartphone is reminiscent of the iPhone 12 in terms of design. Because there are two cameras and these cameras are positioned vertically. The cameras in the iPhone 13 / 14 / 15 series released in previous years were placed diagonally. We can say that there is a change in this context.
In addition, the Action Button also stands out in the images. For those who don’t know, the Action Button, which was introduced with the iPhone 15 series, fulfills the specified function. For example, it is possible to take a screenshot, start video recording or turn on the flashlight.
We see that the Action Button on iPhone 16 will be embedded in the case. According to the information, the button will be able to detect pressure. The Action Button on iPhone 15 was placed protruding.
Of course, it should be noted that this information about the iPhone 16 design is not official and consists of leaks. In other words, we may face a completely different design when the smartphones are released. At this point, it should be noted that the iPhone 16 series will be introduced in September.
So how did you find the emerging design for iPhone 16? You can share your opinions with us in the Comments section below.
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