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It’s not even released yet: Vision Pro is changing the design!

Ana sayfa / News

New plans for Vision Pro, which Apple introduced in recent months and appeared surprisingly at the end of the event, have emerged. Apple Vision Pro, which has not even been released yet, has made a design change. So what will the new design be like? Here is Apple Vision Pro and its details…

Vision Pro may cause neck and headaches!

There is some bad news about Vision Pro, which is expected to go on sale early next year and will represent a revolution in the computer industry. According to the report shared by Mark Gurman, famous for Apple leaks, Vision Pro is undergoing design changes before it is released. So how much does this affect the launch date? Or what is the reason for Apple to change the design?

First of all, let us state that the new design will be on the Vision Pro 2 model. This brings us good news because some users thought that Apple would produce such a futuristic product in only one generation. However, the Vision Pro 2 news that has already arrived shows us that the situation is exactly the opposite.

So what is the reason behind this design change? First of all, although “virtual reality” glasses are in our lives, none of us go outside with such glasses. In other words, we use these glasses for periods not exceeding 2-3 hours. Then it either runs out of battery or we get bored. We agree that the main reason for this is that less content focused on virtual reality glasses is produced.

However, Apple Vision Pro is not exactly such a device. You will be able to use it either as your personal computer or as a complete entertainment system. In this situation, we inevitably have to keep Vision Pro glasses on our eyes for hours. In short, terms such as “ergonomic design, health and comfortable design” become the focus.

Vision Pro is currently Apple’s first attempt and unfortunately it is inadequate in some aspects. It is reported that the devices in the testing process caused neck and headaches. There will be corrections regarding the issue for Vision Pro 1, but we will see a completely new design in Vision Pro 2. Information about the design details has not been shared yet. The only known thing is that a new headband will be added for Vision Pro 1 and a new headphone design will be made for both models 1 and 2.

Yorum Ekleyin