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NASA has loaded a new mission onto the shoulders of the Psyche spacecraft!

Ana sayfa / Popular Science

NASA has launched the Psyche mission to study the asteroid with a metallic surface. However, due to delays in conducting some necessary tests, the launch date had to be postponed. First and foremost, the spacecraft needs to pass the communication system tests of the Deep Space Network project. Here are the details…

The Psyche spacecraft will conduct Deep Space Optical Communication tests!

In fact, this test holds significant importance for space exploration. The Deep Space Optical Communication (DSOC) experiment will shed light not only on this mission but also on NASA’s other missions. The DSOC experiment tests a laser-based communication system that could facilitate greater data transmission for deep space missions such as those to Mars.

NASA will first establish a system called the Deep Space Network to communicate with the distant spacecraft. It will set up large communication dishes in California, Spain, and Australia to detect signals sent from space. These three regions are spread across the globe, ensuring that no matter which direction on Earth you look, at least one of them will always be able to detect a signal.

Asteroid Traveler: NASA’s Psyche spacecraft is about to set off!

NASA will send the Psyche spacecraft to examine an asteroid with a significant amount of metal on its surface, if weather conditions permit.

Signals travel at the fixed speed of light, which creates a solid boundary. Therefore, making communication faster isn’t possible. Communication delays of up to 20 minutes can occur between Earth and Mars. Unfortunately, scientists cannot predict this. However, technology will likely find a solution to this in the near future. For now, scientists are exploring the available options. Another way to improve the existing network is to increase bandwidth.

The number of missions going to space is increasing day by day, and the vehicles they carry are becoming more complex. Consequently, the total data volume that needs to be transmitted is also growing. To adapt to this, communication systems need to be enhanced. Signals should operate at higher frequencies that can transmit more data in the same amount of time.

NASA is responding to these developments by improving the existing communication dishes on Earth designed for radio communication. The Deep Space Network project is strengthening this system and managing laser communication. When compared to radio communication, this system can carry up to ten times more data.

In addition to upgrading ground-based equipment, it’s also essential to test laser-based communication systems in space. NASA has been working to improve systems in Earth’s orbit for a few years. Now, this new system will be tested in an actual mission, the Psyche mission.

Yorum Ekleyin