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Nothing Phone (3) with Action Button Revealed!

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In recent weeks, Nothing has made headlines with its ChatGPT plugin, and after offering this plugin to almost all of its devices, the company is now in the spotlight again with its upcoming flagship phone. Having introduced the Phone (1) and Phone (2) models in July of 2022 and 2023 respectively, the company is expected to unveil the Phone (3) this year. A visual shared by Carl Pei may have revealed a new feature. Here are the Nothing Phone (3) action button and its features…

The company, which gained good momentum with its previous phones, seems to be preparing innovations for the Phone (3) as well. In the visual shared on Carl Pei’s X account, we can see the revamped quick settings and notification panel in the Nothing OS system. The phone shown, which is expected to feature Nothing OS 3, likely to be introduced this year, is thought to be a design mockup of the Phone (3).

In addition to the revamped quick settings and notification panel, a new button is noticeable in the photos. Although no immediate changes are visible at first glance, a closer look at the buttons on the right edge reveals a new button. This button, located just below the power button, is speculated to be the “Action Button.”

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If not an Action Button, it is also suggested that it could be an Alert Slider or a dedicated camera shutter button. The Action Button feature is present in iPhone 15 Pro models, while the Alert Slider is found in OnePlus phones.

Although not many details are provided, from the design mockup we can infer that the new device will feature a special physical button, come with a metal frame, have a centrally aligned camera, and minimal screen bezels. Additionally, it is rumored that the Phone (3) model will be powered by the Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 processor.

What do you think about the Nothing Phone (3) and its features? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.

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