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OpenAI may be able to create a search engine!

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It is said that OpenAI, the company that made breakthroughs with its ChatGPT artificial intelligence assistant, intends to create a search engine using this capability. It is rumored that they will receive support from Microsoft’s search engine, Bing, for this project, which is speculated to rival even Google. However, it is not yet known whether such a service will be offered under the ChatGPT framework for a fee or if it will be an independent application.

If these claims turn out to be true, it could spell trouble for Google. This is because a large portion of the company’s revenue comes from the search engine used by hundreds of millions of people. Intense complaints about Google’s search engine providing irrelevant results recently may have piqued OpenAI’s interest.

OpenAI’s proficiency in artificial intelligence technology promises great potential for the possible search engine project. However, it can be said that this will not be the first search engine to benefit from this technology. For example, a service called Perplexity, which leverages AI language algorithms, already provides highly accurate results.

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But Google is not idle and has also ventured into the field of artificial intelligence. The company, by revamping its chatbot Bard as Gemini, is increasing its investments in this area and making a name for itself.

What are your thoughts on this matter? Do you think OpenAI can succeed in such an endeavor? You can easily share your answers with us in the comments section below. Your opinions are highly valued.

Yorum Ekleyin