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Robot soldiers are coming

Ana sayfa / News

As robotic technologies continue to develop rapidly, their use in military fields has become a topic of curiosity. According to US Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley, the world is experiencing a fundamental change in the “character of war.”

Robot soldiers will be in armies within 15 years

The US Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman made striking statements about the use of robot soldiers in armies. The general, who said that the change in the military field is driven by technology, predicts that robots will be used more in armies, navies, and air forces.

According to Milley’s statement, the nature of war is related to human dynamics and domestic relations within countries. However, the character of war encompasses elements such as tactics, weapons, technologies, organizations, and management. Therefore, the character of war is changing day by day.

In recent years, the ability to target with precision munitions has changed the way armies attack. At the same time, field scanning capabilities associated with modern technology played a significant role. Milley emphasized the potential of robots, noting that they have experimented with unmanned ships and tanks.

The US Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman believes that significant parts of armies, navies, and air forces will be robotic within the next 15 years. “The character of war changes frequently. All these technologies are converging at the same time, and they will all bear fruit within the next 10 or 15 years,” he said.

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Robots already in use 

In the US military, some robotic and unmanned systems, such as drones, are already in use. For example, the US Army and joint manufacturers are researching robotic ground combat vehicles. US Navy officials believe that warships will soon be deployed with autonomous and other aircraft.

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