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Samsung Galaxy S25 battery capacity revealed!

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New information about Samsung’s highly anticipated Galaxy S25 model has been leaked. It appears that the Galaxy S25 will not surprise us much in terms of battery capacity. The battery capacity of the Galaxy S25 will not be significantly different from the previous model, the Galaxy S24. Here are the details…

According to new leaks, the Samsung Galaxy S25 will have the same battery capacity as the previous model, the Galaxy S24, which is 4,000mAh. This information was shared by GalaxyClub and noted that the device was registered under the “smartphones” category in Mexico. Samsung is known to register early to protect its brand, and this is seen as part of that move.

Samsung’s decision to maintain the 4,000mAh battery capacity for the Galaxy S25 is considered a continuation of the gradual increases seen in the smallest model of the S series over the last two years. Users do not want to regress in battery life, and Samsung seems to be meeting these demands. However, it is important to note that this capacity is not final and could change.

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Although the release date of the Galaxy S25 model with unchanged battery capacity has not been finalized, it is expected to be launched between January and March 2025. However, the Galaxy S25 is not Samsung’s only bombshell. The Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Z Flip 6 models, expected to be introduced next month, are also eagerly awaited by technology enthusiasts.

Although these leaked details may not excite Samsung fans, they were important for users eagerly awaiting the new model. In the world of technology, anything can change at any moment, but for now, it seems that the battery capacity of the Samsung Galaxy S25 will not surprise us.

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