Although March has ended, Samsung continues to roll out the March 2024 security update to Galaxy devices with some delay. According to the recent announcement, Samsung has released the March security update for two entry-level models. The new update comes with highly important security fixes and is now available for the Galaxy A04e and Galaxy A13 5G. Here are the details of the Samsung March security update…
Samsung March update released for Galaxy A04e and Galaxy A13 5G
The security update, which has been rolling out since the beginning of March, has finally started to reach two entry-level models. While the Galaxy S23, Galaxy Z Flip 5, and Galaxy Z Fold 5 models are receiving the One UI 6.1 update, the Galaxy A04e and Galaxy A13 5G are now getting the March 2024 update in certain regions of Asia and Europe.
The Galaxy A04e model is receiving the update with software version A042FXXS6DXC4, and the update is available for download in Afghanistan, Egypt, Fiji, Indonesia, Iraq, Israel, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Lebanon, Morocco, New Zealand, Turkey, and many other Asian countries.
The new update for the Galaxy A13 5G model is being released with software version A136BXXS6DXC3. The Samsung March update, which includes many important security vulnerability fixes, has been rolled out for this model in European and Asian countries such as Austria, Egypt, France, Italy, Portugal, Serbia, and the Czech Republic.
According to announcements, the March 2024 security update, which includes 44 security vulnerability fixes, does not bring any new features. If you want to download the update, you can go to the Software Update section in the Settings app and click on the Download and Install button to install the update on your phone.
So, has your Galaxy phone received the March security update? Don’t forget to mention it in the comments.
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