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A new discovery in the world of genetics: Artificial DNA!

A new discovery in the world of genetics: Artificial DNA!
Ana sayfa / Popular Science

DNA is the building block of life. The genetic alphabet consists only of nucleotides. These biochemical building blocks include all types of DNA. Scientists have been investigating whether it would be possible to create working artificial DNA for a long time. Now, thanks to this breakthrough, the scientific world will get the answer to this question. Here are the details…

Researchers have been experimenting with producing artificial DNA for a long time. Finally, the researchers’ work bore fruit. Eventually, scientists created special proteins. In this way, they were able to produce DNA with new nucleotides. So they will design new drugs for specific diseases.

Creating artificial DNA will open the door to many important uses. The study’s senior author, Ph.D. Dong Wang pointed out the importance of being able to expand the genetic code in a post he made. He also added that “it could very well diversify the range of molecules we can synthesize in the laboratory.”

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Wang, Ph.D. Steven A. Benner and Ph.D. Dmitry Lyumkis co-conducted this important work. As a result of the work of the three authors, not only artificial DNA will be created. It will also create artificial nucleotides. Thanks to these artificial nucleotides, it will be able to create DNA. In this way, special proteins will be created to be used in the treatment of certain diseases that are difficult to combat.

The researchers say they can exploit the system by using the same synthetic base pairs. They will use the same geometry when doing this. In addition, the system that manages DNA is very effective. Thanks to this method, it will become easier to imitate him. However, this method will prevent serious errors in transcription and translation.

In this research, scientists used a system that included two new pairs into the genetic alphabet. Researchers call this system the Artificially Extended Genetic Information System (AEGIS). NASA used this system for the first time before. Thanks to this system, NASA tried to understand how alien life might have developed.

Yorum Ekleyin