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Scientists have time traveled but with a catch

Ana sayfa / Technology

Time travel is perhaps one of the most seemingly impossible technologies in science fiction. According to most physicists, going back in time may be possible. But traveling to the future, which most of us dream of, does not seem possible. In this sense, Cambridge University scientists have come up with an interesting research.

Quantum particle entanglement for time travel

Accordingly, the researchers created a kind of time travel simulation. For this simulation, the researchers relied on the principle of quantum entanglement. But what is quantum entanglement? 

It’s a rather complex theory, but it works on the premise that two or more particles cannot act independently of each other and will affect each other. 

Of course, entanglement is not such a simple concept, but in its simplest form, quantum particles act in conjunction with each other. Based on this theory, scientists are now calculating the impact of a trip to the past. 

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In the resulting simulation, the effect of a particle sent to the past was first calculated. Then, it was revealed how a connection was established through the effect of this particle on the other particle in the present. In this sense, according to quantum particle theory, the past and the present are connected. 

In fact, scientists have proven quantum particle theory before. In short, it turns out that two quantum particles affect each other. In this sense, it is being tested what the effect would be if time travel is realized through two quantum particles.

In fact, the easiest way to explain this is the movie Dejavu, starring Denzel Washington. In this movie, a group of scientists were sending small-scale materials like pieces of paper into the past. Here, of course, scientists are not at this stage. At the moment, they are theoretically trying to answer the question of how a quantum particle sent to the past would affect another particle in the present.

The first findings prove the theory of quantum particle entanglement. Of course, scientists have tried all this on a simulation for the time being.

So, do you think that even if there is no time travel in the future, this kind of technology of sending objects to the past could enter our lives? We are waiting for your comments.

Yorum Ekleyin