According to reliable sources, Qualcomm’s next-generation Snapdragon 8 Elite Gen 2 processor could gain a significant advantage in the performance race against Apple’s M4 SoC chip. In particular, thanks to its Armv9-A architecture and SME (Scalable Matrix Extension) support, the new processor is said to outperform Apple’s desktop-class processor in single-core performance. So how will this be possible? Details in our news…
Snapdragon 8 Elite Gen 2 could overtake Apple M4 processor
In fact, Apple has long been the leader in mobile processor performance, but Qualcomm and MediaTek’s recent breakthroughs have started to challenge that. The 8 Elite Gen 2 and MediaTek Dimensity 9500 will be manufactured with TSMC’s N3P manufacturing process and will be able to achieve higher clock speeds. This could help the processors approach the 4000-point threshold in Geekbench 6 single-core tests.
SME support suggests that these processors will make a big leap in artificial intelligence and compute-intensive tasks. However, the 8 Elite Gen 2 is rumored to offer more efficient performance by using a mix of Samsung’s 2nm SF2 and TSMC’s 3nm N3P nodes.
Of course, in the meantime, it is rumored that Apple will not stand idle and when the Snapdragon 8 Elite Gen 2 is released, the successor of the M4, the M5 SoC, will be introduced with a new iPad Pro. Nevertheless, Qualcomm and MediaTek’s current multi-core performance dominance could put Apple under more pressure in the mobile devices segment with the A19 SoC.
In short, the Snapdragon 8 Elite Gen 2 will heat up the competition in the smartphone processor market. Apple may have to accelerate its innovations to gain the upper hand in this race with its next-generation processors. What do you think about this? You can write your opinions in the comments section below.
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