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The EU has issued a major warning to Google

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Google, one of the giants of the technology world, is facing a major warning from the European Union (EU). The EU has informed Google that it must quickly change how its search engine operates. Otherwise, the company could face serious penalties. So, what exactly is Google doing that warrants a penalty?

EU’s latest warning to Google: “Give more space to competitors in search results or penalties are on the way”

The EU believes that Google does not give enough space to rival services in its search results, claiming that Google-owned services such as Google Flights (a flight ticket search service) and Google Hotels (a hotel booking platform) are given more prominence in search results, while competitors are pushed into the background.

The reason for the EU’s intervention is the Digital Markets Act (DMA), which we are all familiar with now. This law prevents big tech companies from abusing their power in the market. If Google does not give more space to its competitors in search results, it could face a massive fine of 10% of its global annual revenue. In other words, a huge fine that cannot be ignored even for a giant like Google.

This development is not a first for Google. The company has had similar problems with the EU before. Last week, Google was fined 2.4 billion Euros. The reason is the same: Google unfairly prioritizes its own shopping service in search results and leaves its competitors behind. In other words, the EU has been closely examining Google’s business models for a long time and does not hesitate to impose harsh sanctions.

It is a matter of curiosity how Google will proceed in this regard. The company’s giving more space to rival services in search results could allow users to see more balanced and fair results. However, only time will tell how much this will affect Google’s ad revenues and overall strategy.

Do you think Google should make its search results more transparent or continue with its current operation? You can write your opinions in the comments section below.

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