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TikTok gives control to the user! Here is the new algorithm

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TikTok has an algorithm that brings random videos to the user. In short, when you enter the application, you may come across any kind of video, whether you are interested in it or not. Due to this algorithm, the application, which increases children’s screen time in particular, will provide user control in the algorithm. Here is the new TikTok user control feature.

User algorithm control, which Instagram has also tried to a certain extent before but has not been implemented, is entering our lives with TikTok. Judging by the details that have emerged, TikTok has decided to review its policies after the ban from the USA. Accordingly, the application will now give the user the freedom to choose what they want to see and what they do not want to see.

Social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, X generally bring you the accounts you follow. However, TikTok puts you in a short video spiral that you cannot get out of, regardless of whether you follow it or not.

Here is a limitation to this feature of the application that increases the number of users. Accordingly, TikTok allows you to choose only the videos you want to see on topics you are interested in via its settings. The application has divided the videos into certain categories in this sense.

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It will be enough to choose categories such as Dance, Humor, Fashion and Beauty. But the predictions are that TikTok will not give up its completely random video algorithm. In this sense, TikTok comes across with the possibility of offering a selection that focuses on the selected video types with its user control feature. In addition to this selection, you will be able to specify the video types you do not want to see with labels.

At least with these labels, it will be possible to stay away from the videos you do not want. Of course, here, content producers will probably assign their videos to these categories.

As you know, the application is subject to great criticism in some countries, including Turkey. The USA banned the TikTok application not only because of addiction but also on the accusation of spying for China. In Turkey, although the TikTok ban has been on the agenda a lot after the Instagram ban, there is no such step yet. The application has started to give advertisements in order to destroy its negative image in both Turkey and other countries in recent days. The target audience here is parents who are concerned about how their children watch videos.

So, do you think TikTok can appeal to a wider audience with this new user control algorithm? We are waiting for your comments.

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