WhatsApp today introduced new features to make messaging faster, more creative and personalized. The new updates will provide speed and convenience for users in both messaging and media sharing. So what has changed? Details in our news…
WhatsApp has been updated: Quick reactions, visual effects and new stickers
First of all, with the new update, users no longer need to long press the screen to react to messages. Instead, they will be able to react quickly by simply double-tapping. Also, with the update, the emoji that users use most often will appear first in the reaction menu. If they want to access other emojis, they will be able to access all emojis by tapping the “+” icon.
The new update also brings new effects. WhatsApp is now bringing the filters and virtual backgrounds it introduced for video calls last year to the messaging experience. Users will be able to directly edit their photos and videos with 30 different visual effects within the app.
Another feature coming with the new update is stickers. Now users will be able to turn their selfies into stickers. This feature is already available for Android users and will soon be expanded with iOS support. It is also now possible to share sticker packs directly in chats.
Finally, we know that WhatsApp has developed three new features in the latest beta versions for Android. These innovations will further improve the use of the app. However, there are still some problems with the app. For example, a bug related to the microphone, which has been going on for 4 years, is one of the problems that users complain about. Let’s see when Meta will provide a solution to this problem.
What do you think about these features? You can share your opinions in the comments section below…
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