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WhatsApp is getting the long-awaited Telegram feature!

Ana sayfa / Technology

One of the most important features of Telegram is the ability to hide your phone number. It turned out that a similar feature was tried in the latest WhatsApp Beta update. But how will the WhatsApp phone number hiding feature be? In fact, WhatsApp already offers the number hiding feature in communities. However, the new feature will be much more comprehensive.

With the new WhatsApp beta 2.24. 18.2 Android version update that emerged, details about the new number hiding feature have emerged. Accordingly, WhatsApp previously brought the number hiding feature in communities. However, thanks to this new feature, you will not need to share your number.

Accordingly, WhatsApp is trying the password-protected number hiding feature. But how will this feature work? The number hiding feature will be used for people you have recently contacted. In this sense, it will be enough to give your nickname instead of your number to the people you will instantly communicate with.

WhatsApp is also working on password protection for nicknames. If you want, you will be able to assign a password to the nickname you have specified. People who will contact your nickname for the first time will only be able to reach you with this password.

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WhatsApp aims to make your inbox more organized with features to block spam messages and manage status likes.

As you know, WhatsApp has recently introduced a feature that will block spam calls. When combined with number hiding, it seems that a much more secure messaging experience awaits us. In this sense, Meta aims to increase the privacy of WhatsApp users. This means that even if your number falls into the hands of people you do not want, they will not be able to reach you via WhatsApp.

So when will this new feature, which came out with the WhatsApp beta update, come into play? It is currently unclear when the WhatsApp number hiding and password assignment feature will come into play. However, the fact that there are settings about the feature in beta, albeit hidden, indicates that the feature will come into play soon.

Despite all this positive atmosphere of the feature, some drawbacks await us. In this sense, an anonymity similar to Telegram can spread on WhatsApp. As you know, Telegram has become a platform where illegal sharing is seen a lot due to its anonymity and secret messaging features.

So, do you think WhatsApp can become more secure with a Telegram-like number hiding feature? Or will this cause different security vulnerabilities due to anonymity? We are waiting for your comments.

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