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Windows 95 keys generated by ChatGPT 

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ChatGPT can be used for a lot of purposes, and this time it seems that he’s aiding and abiding a hacker! of course this is too hars way of putting what YouTuber Enderman did, but in the en it shows that this technology can be used in numerous ways, some of which can be classified as dangerous. The action in question here is generating Windows 95 keys out of thin air by ChatGPT.

YouTuber Enderman published a video where he tricks ChatGPT into generating Windows 95 activation keys. Normally, ChatGPT is programmed to refuse direct key requests, but if you know the algorithm of the keys, you can trick it to generate a lot of keys using the same method. and probably, one of them works. That’s what happened here. watch the video and see how YouTuber Enderman tricked ChatGPT step by step to create valid Windows 95 keys. And some of them work. Scary, isn’t it?

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