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You should update Google Chrome now!

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Google Chrome has been the most popular browser for years. This means a great opportunity for hackers to exploit security vulnerabilities. Google warned all Chrome users with an update released recently.

It was discovered that there were nine vulnerabilities in Google Chrome that were being exploited by hackers. One vulnerability, called “Type Confusion in the V8 engine”, allowed arbitrary code to be executed. Chrome 125 has been released to fix these issues.

It was stated that the “Type Confusion in the V8 engine” bug, tracked as CVE-2024-4947, is zero-day. This means that hackers have the potential to exploit this vulnerability before the update. The critical vulnerability has been fixed with Chrome 125.

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Google discovered three zero-day vulnerabilities in May alone. The company, which previously fixed the bugs tracked as CVE-2024-4671 and CVE-2024-4761, has now fixed the CVE-2024-4947 issue. The US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) recommends downloading Chrome 125 in this context.

Government agencies in the US were given until June 10 to implement the Chrome update. Still, experts advise users to act quickly. You can check for the update from the Chrome menu or wait for it to install automatically.

On the other hand, Chrome is gaining a new feature in tab organization. Users will soon be able to end annoying tab clutter without having to manually intervene. The feature will automatically archive unused tabs, reducing chaos in the browser.

Yorum Ekleyin