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Zuckerberg shut down Palestine’s biggest Facebook news page!

Ana sayfa / Social Media

The long-standing conflict between Israel and Palestine took a new dimension in early October. Human rights organizations reacted to Israel’s violent attacks against civilians in the same way as Hamas’ violent attacks against civilians. Mark Zuckerberg decided to close the Quds News Network page, which shared news for Palestine in this conflict environment. The Quds News Network Facebook news page had an important function as the largest Palestinian news sharing page.

Why did Facebook decide to shut down the Palestinian news page Quds News Network?

Zuckerberg had previously decided to shut down pro-Russian news sharing pages after Russia’s attack on Ukraine. However, this time it was Gaza that was under attack, but this time Mark Zuckerberg shut down a page that shared Palestinian news.

At the moment, it is not known whether Israel put pressure on Facebook to take this decision. For the moment, the Quds News Network Facebook page has been shut down. However, the Instagram page is still active.

The page in question was making important posts about civilian casualties in the aftermath of Israel’s attack on Gaza. By shutting down this page, Facebook has cut off an important source from which the world receives news from Palestine.

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It is a matter of curiosity what kind of reaction will come to Mark Zuckerberg, who currently holds important social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp.

So what do you think, do you think it is right to close the Palestinian Facebook page Quds News Network, which shares news for Palestine, announces debris images and aid requests from the region? We are waiting for your comments.

Yorum Ekleyin