Warhammer 40K: Darktide is a first-person action game set in the Warhammer 40K universe, developed and published by Fatshark. It was released for Microsoft Windows on 30 November 2022. The release for Xbox Series X/S will be revealed by Paul Naylor of the entertainment zone at a later date. The game has received a new update named March 23rd, which focuses on several fixes. As seen, the latest version does not offer major things. Check out the Warhammer 40K: Darktide 1.2.11 update patch notes below.
Warhammer 40K: Darktide 1.2.11 Update Out Now, Patch Notes

Devoted Rejects,
Here are the notes for Hotfix 1.2.11 which just went live on Steam.
- Fixed a crash which could happen if a player joined a mission while a projectile was traveling in the air.
- Fixed an issue where the Veteran “Onslaught” talent did not affect melee attacks.
Missed Patch Notes from The Traitor Curse:
- Achlys Mk VII Twin-Linked Heavy Stubber: decreased time to fire first shot from 0.22s to 0s, improved deploy speed, reload speed, movement speed while firing, tighter spread while braced, even tighter spread while braced + crouched.
- Fixed a bug where Hand-cannon weapon blessing effects were applied globally.
- Fixed an issue with the physics of the Death Korps of Krieg Upperbody.
- Reduced the Ogryn Lorenz Mk V Kickback minimum pellet count from 16 to 12
Dev note: “Minimum pellet count” is a way to make sure that an enemy hit by a few pellets of a shotgun attack will still react by counting it as having been hit by more pellets than it actually was. The overall maximum damage and shot spread of the Kickback are not affected. - Surge staff on-kill gore effects are no longer always triggered when killing an enemy – now also limbs and heads may be dismembered instead of the whole torso.
Veteran Talent Changes
- ‘Twinned Blasts’ changed from 10% to 20%.
- ‘Trench Fighter Drill’ changed from 15% to 10%.
- ‘For the Emperor!’ changed from 20% to 10%.
- ‘Bring it Down!’ changed from 25% to 20%.
- ‘Marksman’ changed from 50% to 20%.
- ‘Skirmisher’ changed from 3 stacks to 5 stacks.
- ‘Close Quarters Killzone’ changed from 30% to 15%.
- ‘Fire Team’ changed from 3% to 5%.
- ‘Confirmed Kill’ changed from 25% + 25% over time to 10% + 20% over time.
- ‘Out For Blood’ changed from 2.5% to 3.5%.
New Talent (Not including Keystones)
- “The Bigger they Are …” – Executioner’s Stance now outlines all Ogryn Enemies. (Cannot be picked together with ‘Counter-Fire’)