The series, which has been embargoed by EA Sports in the world of gaming and basketball since NBA Live 95, which was first released in 1994, and gradually declined with the popularity of the NBA 2K series by fans, finally disappeared into the dusty shelves of history with NBA Live 19. However, it seems that EA Sports is determined to resurrect the series… Here are the details!
Is EA Sports coming back to the NBA series?
According to Insider Gaming’s Mike Straw, EA Sports and 2K are seriously considering reviving college basketball games. Both companies are reportedly having internal discussions on the matter. In the past, EA was known for its NCAA Basketball series, while 2K was known for its College Hoops series. However, both series were shelved long ago.
Finally, the great success of EA Sports College Football 25 may have triggered the company to make new moves in this field. EA, which wants to bring the same success to the basketball side, may also shape the future of the NBA Live series by reviving the NCAA Basketball series.
On the 2K side, the idea of developing a college basketball game is thought to be an important step to re-enter a segment in which the studio has not been competitive for a long time.
EA Sports’ efforts to get back into basketball games may not be limited to NCAA Basketball. If the college basketball games are successful, the NBA Live series may also be revived. Although 2K is thought to be one step ahead in this process, EA’s move seems to create excitement among players.