Apple has clearly denied the allegations of eavesdropping on users through Siri, which has been on the agenda in recent days. In its statement, the company stated that Siri data has never been used to create advertising profiles and that this data has never been shared with any person or organisation for advertising purposes. Here are the details of the statement and the accusations against Apple…
Changes from Apple regarding Siri recordings
Apple’s announcement follows a lawsuit that concluded last week and resulted in the company paying a $95 million settlement. The lawsuit centred on allegations that Siri was recording users’ private conversations by misinterpreting trigger words, and that these recordings could be listened to by human employees. However, Apple once again claimed that even in this process, Siri data was not used for advertising.
Following a 2019 report, Apple made significant changes to Siri’s operating principles. These changes included the decision not to store Siri voice recordings by default. Even if users choose to share recordings to improve Siri, it is stated that this data will only be used for analysis purposes and will not be shared with third parties. In addition, users who make this choice can opt out of this setting at any time.
Apple reaffirmed its commitment to protecting user privacy and announced that Siri is designed solely to enhance the user experience and will continue to do so. However, users’ concerns about digital privacy are still on the agenda.
What do you think about this? Are you concerned about the privacy policies of digital assistants like Siri? Don’t forget to share your opinions in the comments!