The Apple vs Epic Games case has been going on for a long time. Finally, the court found in favor of Apple on most issues. However, Apple had to allow third-party payment methods on US soil. Epic Games, on the other hand, found Apple’s third-party deductions from developers unfair and appealed. Microsoft, Meta, X and Match Group, the owner of Tinder, supported Epic Games.
Third-party payment method issue grows after Apple vs Epic Games
The lawsuit that started when Fortnite was kicked off the iOS platform for using an alternative system to Apple payment methods is still ongoing. Although the court made the final decision in the Apple v. Epic case, both companies appealed the decision. Epic Games also argued in this appeal that Apple is blocking third-party payment systems.
Accordingly, Apple activated alternative third-party payment methods for the App Store in the US after the court ruling. However, developers have to pay Apple a 27 percent commission when they use these payment methods. As you know, the App Store already receives 30 percent commission from each application.

Epic Games believes that the three percent difference between the two commission rates is not incentivizing. This time, Apple is in trouble with more tech giants. Accordingly, Microsoft, Meta, X and Match Group, the owner of Tinder, also supported Epic Games with a petition.
The tech giants involved in the Epic Games Apple lawsuit agree that the commission for third-party payment methods is exorbitant. Microsoft argues that Apple’s recent policy leaves companies unable to offer discounts to users. Meta, on the other hand, has to set much higher fees on mobile than on the web version, especially in ad payments. In this sense, the company thinks that Apple’s commission fees are quite high.
Match Group and X platform, which owns matching apps such as Tinder and Okcupid, also complained about App Store alternative payment method commissions. These two tech giants also intervened in the case with a petition.
In short, Apple has started to confront many companies in the third-party payment methods debate that started with the Epic Games case. Do you think the Apple v. Epic Games case will reach another dimension with the involvement of other tech giants? We are waiting for your comments.