Apple TV Plus users started their day with rumors about ads. Accordingly, the platform, which has been looking for ways to increase its revenue for a long time, will start showing ads. This method, also used by Netflix, Disney, and Amazon, is seen as a remedy for broadcasting platforms facing financial difficulties. Thus, subscribers who do not want to pay extra fees will receive services at a more affordable price in exchange for viewing ads. Here are all the details…
Apple TV Plus is also going to show ads!
The platform, which has received much praise for not showing ads until now, seems to disappoint some users with this decision. When it was revealed that Apple had recently hired several people for the position of advertising manager, the rumors gained credibility. It is said that the company will implement targeted advertising applications and will also benefit from artificial intelligence capabilities similar to Meta in this regard.
It is stated that the increase in revenue that Netflix achieved by introducing ads played a significant role in Apple’s decision. On the other hand, it is said that ads could take away the premium feel of the platform. Considering that the platform also raised its prices by approximately 30% in the past period, its future seems quite uncertain.
Additionally, there is no information about the price of the ad-supported membership. However, there are also some who claim that this membership level will provide a poor viewer experience by subjecting users to untimely ads. We will see where all these developments will lead.
What do you think about this issue? Do you think Apple’s broadcasting strategy is correct? You can easily share your opinions with us in the comments section below. Your opinions are very valuable to us.