In recent months, Apple has once again turned the tech world on its head with the launch of its first mixed reality glasses, Vision Pro. The device was first released in the United States, the brand’s home country, and was subsequently purchased by tens of thousands of people. So when will Apple Vision Pro go outside the US and in which country will it be available?
Apple Vision Pro is on its way to China!
In recent weeks, a new update was released for Apple Vision Pro, and with this update, it was seen that Chinese, French, German, Japanese and Korean were added to the language options that only included English.
A few days ago, it was revealed that the tech giant had opened job openings for the sale of Apple Vision Pro in Australia, China and Japan. Of course, despite all this, the company did not give any information about when the device would be sold abroad. As of today, the expected announcement came.
Apple CEO Tim Cook announced at the China Development Forum in Beijing that Apple Vision Pro will be released in China later this year. This is the first official overseas announcement for the mixed reality glasses.
Although Tim Cook stated that Apple Vision Pro will be released in China in 2024, he did not give an exact date. However, according to some sources, the company is said to be planning to launch this product before the World Developers Conference (WWDC), which is held every year in the first week of June.