Update 61.26 was launched for Ark Survival Ascended, which brought several fixes and improvements. The action-adventure survival video game was developed by Studio Wildcard in 2023. Generally, the game has a regular update schedule and offers players a better gaming experience. For instance, the latest version arrived a while ago and fixes crashes. Here are the details.
Ark Survival Ascended Update 61.26 Patch Notes

v61.26 – Minor version for Servers – 02/18/2025
- Fixed a frequent server crash
v61.25 – Minor version for Servers / Love Ascended Mod v20- 02/18/2025
- Fixed multiple exploits.
- Reenabled Armadoggo inventory access.
Love Ascended
- Fixed Box o’chocolates falling through world.
- LoveBirds/Bugs decay timer now correct length.
- Can now receive chibis from fishing game.
v61.14 (PS5 61.7)- Major version for Servers and Clients – 02/13/2024
Astraeos is now live!
- New Tameable Creature: Maeguana
Love Ascended is now live!
- Lovebugs are no longer aggressive
- Love Bug Hearts have been renamed to Love Hearts
- Added Lovebirds that fly around occasionally increasing taming affinity and effectiveness for creatures being tamed
Gameplay Fixes
- Fixed Gachas and other creatures in the Sunken Forest area on Extinction spawning in the mesh frequently
- Fixed an issue that would cause the mouse to lose focus after opening the console window
- Fixed a troublesome OSD location on Extinction where enemies would always spawn in the mesh
- Improved spawn locations of enemies from OSD/Element veins generally to fix cases where enemies could fall or get stuck in the terrain
- Fixed Terminals on Extinction sometimes appearing invisible
- Reduced the range at which the Gene Scanner pulls info from creatures (without aiming down sight) to improve the client framerate when equipped
- Fixed an issue where the Giganotosaurus roar ability was incorrectly replaced with a bite attack
- Fixed Tek Gauntlets punch VFX remaining after using a Tek Teleporter
- Reworked the wild female Rhyniognatha attack logic to make the impregnation attack more reliable on servers under stress
- Prevented C4 from being placed on Tusoteuthis tentacles to mitigate them being used to damage structures through the mesh
- Fixed the player drowning voice line not looping correctly
- Speculative fix for Dreadmare Black Hole released creatures sometimes falling through the mesh
- Fixed Garages not being destroyed when they do not have foundation support
- Reduced the radius of the Tek Cave boss arena teleport, to prevent players spawning into the geo
- Fixed hotbar items going into player inventory when dragged into a remote inventory
- Fixed Snow Owls not always moving consistently when on follow
- Added collision to various BattleRig equipment meshes which allow players to stand on them
- Fixed Decor Boxes not displaying their applied decoration consistently on BattleRigs
- Fixed creating ghost items when dragging over the Custom Cosmetics inventory
- Fixed double counting cosmetic items (should they exist) when adding them to the quick access hotbar
- Fixed double counting items on the hotbar when transferring servers
- Fixed Fire Wyverns from the Forest Titan boss fight capability to grief players in PVE
- Fixed characters getting stuck in place after their controlled Scout is destroyed
- Disabled a console command that allowed players to see through the terrain
- Fixed a common client crash that would occur when leaving a singleplayer session or a server
- Fixed multiple exploits
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